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Coffee and Magazines


The Portfolio of Dana Michea Marquez

As an advocate and consultant for underprivileged women, I provide hope with a compassionate heart as I am intentional, focused, and self motivated in helping women reach their full potential. My passion is empowering women as they trust me with their story due to my high level of integrity in helping them at their hardest moments in life.

As a writer, I am able to bring people's stories to life in a creative manner. To tell their story in a creative non-fiction genre. Below are samples of my writing in publications through the recent years. 

As an advocate, consultant and writer I tie what I am passionate about together to raise awareness from a creative and unique point of view.

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Past. Present. Future.

The following is a collection of my latest and most meaningful writing and advocacy projects. Each project is unique in style and content and represents a distinct moment in my career. I hope you enjoy my work and I invite you to contact me with any questions.

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February 6, 2019

Church Under the Bridge reaches the homeless. A church for the homeless? You bet. CUB is serving the homeless population in our city by meeting real needs and bringing the hope of Christ to many who live on the streets of San Antonio

New York Skyline

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”

Virginia Woolf

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Thank you for reviewing my official Portfolio. Please get in touch to find out more about me and my work.

(210) 577-9711

Thanks for submitting!

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